Study Guide
Section 3: Test Summary and Framework
WEST–E Library Media (042)
The Washington Educator Skills Tests–Endorsements (WEST–E) are designed to measure a candidate's knowledge of the subject-area content contained in the test framework for each field. All WEST–E tests are fully aligned with the state's teacher endorsement competencies and, as applicable, the Essential Academic Learning Requirements.
Test Summary
This test summary describes general testing information as well as the approximate percentage of the total test score derived from each content domain. The test framework, organized by content domain, contains the objectives that define the content for the test.
Format | Computer-based test (CBT) and online-proctored test |
Number of Questions | Approximately 110 multiple-choice questions |
Test Session | 2 hours and 15 minutes (does not include 15-minute tutorial and nondisclosure agreement) |
Passing Score | 240 (scores are calculated in a range from 100 to 300) |
Test Code | 042 |
Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table below.
Key | Approximate Percentage of Test |
Content Domain | Range of Objectives |
I | 23% | The Teacher-Librarian | 0001 to 0003 |
II | 31% | Promoting Information Literacy Skills | 0004 to 0007 |
III | 23% | Managing the Library Media Collection | 0008 to 0010 |
IV | 23% | Administering the Library Media Program | 0011 to 0013 |
Test Framework
The Teacher-Librarian
Objective 0001: Demonstrate knowledge of basic principles of librarianship as applied to school library media programs.
For example:
- demonstrating knowledge of the role of library media programs, information systems, and information in a democratic society
- recognizing issues associated with the principle of equitable physical and intellectual access to information, ideas, and literature
- demonstrating knowledge of strategies for promoting the principle of intellectual freedom as articulated in key open access documents (e.g., ALA Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read Statement, AECT Statement on Intellectual Freedom, NCTE The Students' Right to Read, AASL School Library Bill of Rights)
- demonstrating knowledge of the social, ethical, and legal implications of privacy and confidentiality for library media program users
- demonstrating knowledge of the social, ethical, and legal implications of information access, services, and technologies
- identifying strategies for creating a responsive environment that encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning and that supports the use of information literacy skills to promote lifelong learning
Objective 0002: Examine the roles of the teacher-librarian and the relationship of the school library media program to the overall school program.
For example:
- recognizing the role of the teacher-librarian and the school library media program in providing full and equitable access to information and ideas
- recognizing the integral and collaborative role of the teacher-librarian and the school library media program in curriculum development and instruction
- recognizing the role of the teacher-librarian and the school library media program in providing instruction in information, communication, and technology literacy skills that are integrated with subject area curricula
- recognizing the role of the teacher-librarian and the school library media program in promoting reading and reading skills
- demonstrating knowledge of methods for assessing staff knowledge and skills to determine professional development needs and for designing and implementing professional development activities that reflect the principles of adult learning
- identifying the goals, characteristics, and functions of an effective school library media program and strategies for developing a mission for the library media program that supports the goals and objectives of the school and the district
- demonstrating knowledge of ways the teacher-librarian and the school library media program contribute to school improvement plans and improved student achievement
Objective 0003: Demonstrate knowledge of collaboration and strategies for developing collaborative relationships within and beyond the school community to deliver integrated instruction and information services.
For example:
- identifying basic communication skills that promote effective collaboration
- applying knowledge of strategies for collaborating with teachers to integrate information literacy and literature into the curriculum
- demonstrating knowledge of appropriate techniques for interacting and collaborating with other professionals and with a variety of organizations and learning communities
- recognizing benefits of and strategies for connecting the school library media program with other library and information technology communities for resource sharing and networking
Promoting Information Literacy Skills
Objective 0004: Demonstrate knowledge of information literacy skills and strategies for helping students and others learn how to use information independently, efficiently, and responsibly.
For example:
- demonstrating knowledge of the principles and models of the information problem-solving process and of how to integrate the stages of the information problem-solving process with subject area curricula
- applying knowledge of strategies for eliciting information needs and for guiding students and others in formulating research questions, in planning and implementing search strategies, and in exploring diverse perspectives
- applying knowledge of strategies for teaching students and others how to locate information and how to use specific criteria to evaluate potential sources of information
- applying knowledge of strategies for teaching students and others how to organize, analyze, and evaluate information
- applying knowledge of strategies for teaching students and others how to gather and use data to identify solutions and make informed decisions
- demonstrating knowledge of how to guide students and others in the safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology
- applying knowledge of strategies for teaching students and others how to synthesize and communicate information
Objective 0005: Demonstrate knowledge of media literacy skills and strategies for helping students learn how to interpret and create meaning from media messages in a variety of forms.
For example:
- demonstrating knowledge of the role of media in society and the importance of inquiry and self-expression for members of a democratic society
- identifying the various purposes for media production (e.g., profit, persuasion, education, expression)
- recognizing principles of media literacy (e.g., media messages are constructed; media messages reflect particular values and points of view; people interpret the same media messages in different ways)
- demonstrating knowledge of strategies for teaching students how to distinguish between different media forms and ask basic questions about media messages
- demonstrating knowledge of strategies for teaching students how to create and produce media messages for a specific purpose
Objective 0006: Demonstrate knowledge of strategies for planning, implementing, and assessing information literacy instruction that is integrated with content curriculum.
For example:
- demonstrating familiarity with various standards at the state and national levels and the connections among standards, educational research, and Washington State goals in meeting state Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRs) and district learning initiatives
- demonstrating knowledge of how to develop lessons and activities that integrate information literacy skills with subject area curricula
- identifying appropriate strategies for teaching information literacy skills and for facilitating students' use of information literacy skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions
- examining various instructional strategies and methodologies for meeting individual learners' needs and for achieving specific instructional goals
- demonstrating knowledge of strategies for promoting students' critical reading, listening, viewing, and thinking skills
- identifying appropriate assessment strategies for measuring students' mastery of information literacy skills
- identifying methods of providing instruction in the use of media and digital environments to communicate and work collaboratively, to support individual learning, to contribute to the learning of others, and to develop cultural understanding and global awareness
Objective 0007: Demonstrate knowledge of information and communications technology and strategies for providing guidance and leadership in the use of these technologies.
For example:
- demonstrating knowledge of technology concepts, systems, operations, and applications; how to select applications; and basic troubleshooting for systems and applications
- demonstrating knowledge of strategies for creating a technology-rich environment that supports learning for all, including diverse populations and those with special needs
- applying knowledge of strategies for using technology to support lessons, to enhance learning outcomes, and to facilitate assessment and evaluation of student learning
- applying knowledge of strategies for using appropriate technology and other resources to collect, analyze, and interpret data and to communicate effectively with others
- identifying strategies for providing guidance in the use of technology within various contexts and for identified information needs
- identifying strategies for providing leadership and expertise in the use of technology and for serving as an advocate and resource regarding technology use
- identifying strategies for promoting legal and ethical use of technology
Managing the Library Media Collection
Objective 0008: Demonstrate knowledge of literature for children and young adults and strategies for helping students become lifelong learners who read for a wide range of purposes.
For example:
- identifying the characteristics and genres of literature for children and young adults, as well as various awards for excellence in children's and young adult literature
- identifying historical and contemporary trends and diversity issues in literature for children and young adults
- examining criteria and issues related to the evaluation and selection of literature for school library media programs
- demonstrating knowledge of research in literacy and reading and of how to use this research to select and recommend materials that facilitate the reading process and promote reading fluency
- applying knowledge of strategies for advising students in developing awareness of, interaction with, and appreciation for literature in a variety of formats for personal enrichment and information
- identifying strategies for motivating students to read and for promoting reading as a lifelong habit
Objective 0009: Demonstrate knowledge of strategies for developing and maintaining a library media collection that supports the educational goals of the school and the information needs of students, teachers, and other members of the school community.
For example:
- demonstrating knowledge of the unique characteristics and uses of various information sources and formats
- identifying strategies for maintaining a library media collection that is responsive to the needs of a diverse population and that supports the district's philosophy, goals, and objectives
- demonstrating knowledge of the principles of collection analysis
- applying knowledge of methods for developing and regularly reviewing criteria, policies, and procedures for the evaluation, selection, and deselection of resources
- applying knowledge of procedures for involving and working collaboratively with others to evaluate, select, and deselect resources
- recognizing appropriate steps to take in responding to challenges of specific library media resources
Objective 0010: Demonstrate knowledge of procedures related to the acquisition, organization, and circulation of library media resources.
For example:
- demonstrating knowledge of how to order and process resources for the school library media program
- applying knowledge of standard methods of classifying and cataloging library media materials
- demonstrating knowledge of methods, particularly the use of technology, for organizing resources and equipment
- recognizing types of circulation patterns and controls and examining factors to be considered when establishing circulation policies
- demonstrating knowledge of how to use library management systems and information networks to facilitate access to information, resources, and applications
- recognizing the importance of and strategies for engaging in ongoing inventory and maintenance of library resources, equipment, and information systems
Administering the Library Media Program
Objective 0011: Examine the responsibility of the teacher-librarian to serve as an advocate for the school library media program and to seek opportunities for continuous growth as a professional.
For example:
- applying knowledge of how to use various advocacy strategies to promote the goals, needs, and contributions of the school library media program to a wide range of stakeholders
- recognizing strategies for developing and implementing an effective public relations program that communicates the school library media program's contribution to lifelong learning
- demonstrating knowledge of research regarding the connection between effective school library media programs and increased student achievement and methods for communicating this information
- demonstrating knowledge of the benefits of participating on school, district, and state committees and in staff development activities
- demonstrating knowledge of resources and activities, including self-assessment techniques and reflective practice, that contribute to professional growth
- recognizing the functions and goals of state and national professional associations, the benefits of membership in these associations, and ways of using information from these resources to improve library practice
Objective 0012: Demonstrate knowledge of principles and practices related to the management of human, financial, and physical resources in the school library media program.
For example:
- recognizing characteristics, qualifications, roles, and training needs associated with school library media program staff and methods for handling various personnel and staffing issues
- demonstrating knowledge of methods for assigning, supervising, and evaluating support staff, volunteers, and student assistants
- demonstrating knowledge of types, characteristics, and uses of budgets and reports and of procedures for preparing and justifying a school library media program budget based on instructional program needs
- demonstrating knowledge of funding sources for school library media programs and procedures for administering a school library media program cost-effectively and within budget
- examining factors involved in the physical design and furnishing of a flexible, functional, and barrier-free library media center
- demonstrating knowledge of strategies for organizing physical and virtual library environments to create inviting, useful, and engaging spaces that are conducive to learning and that support use of the library media center by individuals, small groups, and classes
- recognizing scheduling considerations for school library media programs and identifying practices that support flexible and open access to library media center resources, equipment, and space
Objective 0013: Demonstrate knowledge of principles and practices related to the development, implementation, and ongoing evaluation of the school library media program.
For example:
- using national, state, district, and building data to make informed decisions about all aspects of the school library media program
- recognizing the importance of a library media advisory committee that may include administrators, teachers, students, parents/guardians, and community members and of the committee's role in supporting the school library media program
- applying knowledge of strategies for working with instructional staff, administrators, and other stakeholders to establish library media program goals and long-range plans that are based on identified needs and that support the educational goals of the school and the district
- demonstrating knowledge of how to design and use a variety of assessment strategies to measure the effectiveness of the school library media program
- identifying strategies for making modifications to the school library media program based on data, including feedback from students, instructional staff, and other stakeholders
- identifying strategies for using professional organizations, research, literature, reflective practice, and technology resources to inform school library media program decisions and plan for continual improvement